- 10 Oct 2023
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Successful Web-service Payment Push Notification
- Updated on 10 Oct 2023
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- DarkLight
This callback notification will update the Merchant once a successful payment is conducted for each created invoice. The notification will be initiated from SmartLink to the Merchant, as there will be no need for the merchant to issue any request to receive this notification, only setting up the interface which will receive this notification. This message is sent as a SOAP Message web-service, based on the provided WSDL file, containing the below parameters.
Output Parameters
Parameter | Description |
merchantId required | Alphanumeric value representing the merchant Id.
invoiceId required | Alphanumeric value representing the Invoice ID.
invoiceStatus required | Alphanumeric value representing the invoices Status which will ALWAYS be PAID.
amount required | A numeric value represents the invoice amount determined by the merchant upon invoice creation. It will be ISO formatted with no decimal point.
currencyIsoCode required | The numeric ISO Code of the currency for the invoice upon invoice creation.
rrn required | The Reference Retrieval Number of the payment.
approvalCode required | The Approval code for the payment.
maskedCardNumber required | Alphanumeric value representing the masked card number.
cardType required | Alphanumeric value represents the card type used during the payment.
authorizedAmount conditional | A numeric value represents the actual amount used in the payment. It will be ISO formatted with no decimal point.
Condition: This parameter will be provided back to the merchant if the MCP is enabled for this merchant. |
authorizedCurrencyIsoCode conditional | The numeric ISO Code of the actual currency used in the payment.
Condition: This parameter will be provided back to the merchant if the MCP is enabled for this merchant. |
token conditional | This value will be part of the response if the invoice was created with a flag to generate a token. This parameter is a part of the tokenization. For more information, see Tokenization.
WS Authentication Parameters
The below parameters will be included within the HTTP authorization request header as a basic authentication and in the header of the SOAP message.
Parameter | Description |
username optional | An Alphanumeric value representing the username Provided by the merchant.
password optional | An Alphanumeric value passwrod provided by the merchant.