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This message is used to retrieve the performed transactions list for the sent criteria; and it is based on the API Communication Model described in the Communication Model section.
Request Parameters
Parameter | Description |
merchantId required | An alphanumeric value that represents the unique Merchant ID at SmartRoute. The Payment Gateway operation team provides this value based on the merchant enrollment.
authToken required | An alphanumeric value that represents the Authentication Token. The Payment Gateway operation team provides this value based on the merchant enrollment.
fromDate required | The date value represents the Start date of the expected Result. This value should be in the format dd/mm/yyyy.
toDate required | Date value represents the End date of the desired date range for transactions. This value should be in a format dd/mm/yyyy. Note: The maximum difference between fromDate & toDate should be one month
currency optional | The character ISO Code for the currency.
transactionStatus optional | The number value represents the status of transaction, the below each number with its status.
Sample status values (Check appendecies for more):
transactionType optional | The number value represents the type of transaction, the below each number with its type
Possible transaction type values:
transactionID optional | Alphanumeric value representing the Transaction ID, this value should be unique per transaction and Merchant ID.
includeDynamicFields optional | Boolean value representing the include dynamic fields, this flag to tell the API to return the dynamic fields with the response or not.
dynamicFields optional | String value that you can filter the transaction results based on the dynamic field and its value.
responseOptionalFields optional | Array of Numbers that representing the optional extra fields that you may need in the response.
Possible response optional fields values:
channel optional | The Channel to be used by SmartRoute System. It could be one of the following:
paymentMethod optional | An Alphanumeric value indicates the payment method.
Sample status values (Check appendecies for more):
usePagination optional | Boolean value representing the use pagination, this flag used to enable pagination in the webservice.
pageSize conditional | Number value represents the page size, this value is used to determine the number of transactions to be retrieved per page. It will be required when “usePagination” is true.
pageNumber conditional | Number value representing the page Number, this value used to determine the number of page. It will be required when “usePagination” is true.
Sample Request Code (Java)
"paymentMethod":"C_Google Pay-MasterCard",
Response Parameters
Parameter | Description |
numberOfPages conditional | A number value representing the total number of pages based on the pageSize value provided
transactions required | An JSON Array of transaction details - see section below.
Response Parameters - Transactions
Parameter | Description |
transactionID required | The merchant generates the Transaction ID. It represents a unique identifier for the transaction and it is an alphanumeric and must not include special characters or spaces.
transactionStatus required | An alphanumeric value that represents the original transaction status.
originalAmount optional | A numeric value that contains the purchase amount of the item. The value is in ISO format with no decimal point. Also. For example, 100 for 1.00 USD.
authorizedAmount optional | A numeric value that contains the purchase Authorized Amount of the item. The value is in ISO format with no decimal point. For example, 100 for 1.00 USD.
originalCurrency optional | The numeric value is in ISO abbreviation for the currency. The value should be neither character value nor decimal point. For example, JOD, SAR.
authorizedCurrency optional | Authorized Currency uses the numeric ISO Code for the payment. For example, JOD, SAR.
transactionType optional | A value that represents the type of the transaction:
gatewayName optional | This value represents the gateway name that processed the transaction. It can be alphanumeric with special characters like space, ‘@’ and ‘_’.
gatewayStatus optional | An alphanumeric value that represents the gateway response code. This code covers errors generated by the chosen gateway.
gatewayStatusDescription optional | An alphanumeric value that represents a message describing the response status received from the chosen gateway using the language specified in the request.
acquirerName optional | The acquirer's name for the transaction.
Channel optional | The Channel to be used by SmartRoute System. It could be one of the following:
bin optional | A value represents the Bank Identification Number.
rrn optional | An alphanumeric value that represents a Receipt Reference Number for the current payment transaction. This value is returned if the value is provided from the gateway.
approvalCode optional | Approval Code received from Payment Processor such as Visa. The values are returned in the following cases:
refundTransactionIDs optional | An array of the refund transaction IDs is provided in case the transaction has a refund.
completionTransactionIDs optional | An array of the completion transaction IDs is provided in case the transaction has a completion.
paymentMethod optional | An Alphanumeric value indicates the payment method used in the transaction.
cardType optional | An Alphanumeric value indicates the Card type used in the transaction.
originalTransactionID optional | A numeric value indicates the original transaction ID for the provided transaction. It depends on the transaction type whether it has an original transaction associated with it or not. For instance, completion transactions have a pre-authorization transaction as their original transaction. If the transaction does not have an original transaction, this field will be an empty string.
maskedCardNumber optional | An alphanumeric value represents the masked Card Number.
reversalStatus optional | The Reversal Status of the transaction has the below mentioned possible values which are needed to be inquired about:
Sample Response Code (Java)
"numberOfPages": 6,
"transactions": [
"refundTransactionIDs": [
"approvalCode": null,
"transactionStatus": "Transaction was processed success
"gatewayName": "TabbyGateway",
"bin": null,
"dynamicFields": [],
"channel": "Mobile",
"cardType": "",
"reversalStatus": "1",
"maskedCardNumber": null,
"transactionID": "1702377732208",
"rrn": "fc1ac51d-32cd-4cbd-b99c-b6c5dee04ad8",
"transactionType": "Redirect Sale",
"completionTransactionIDs": "",
"authorizedCurrency": "SAR",
"originalAmount": "10.00",
"originalTransactionID": "",
"authorizedAmount": "10.00",
"paymentMethod": "Tabby",
"originalCurrency": "SAR",
"gatewayStatus": "CLOSED",
"acquirerName": null