- 20 Jan 2022
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Direct Post Payment
- Updated on 20 Jan 2022
- 3 Minutes to read
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Request message
Input request parameter | Description |
Merchant Authentication Token | Y2ExNzE2NDBlZjEyNmZhZjRmMmRmY2Iy |
MessageID | 1 |
TransactionID | 12345678901234567890 |
MerchantID | STSPayOneM |
Amount | 100 |
Language | En |
PaymentMethod | 1 |
CurrencyISOCode | 400 |
PaymentDescription | Sample Payment Description |
ResponseBackURL | https://MerchatWebSite/PaymentResponse.do |
CardNumber | 4111111111111111 |
ExpiryDateYear | 22 |
ExpiryDateMonth | 01 |
SecurityCode | 854 |
CardHolderName | Card Holder |
Channel | 0 |
Quantity | 1 |
Version | 1.0 |
Parameters Order | |
Amount, Channel, CurrencyISOCode, Language, MerchantID, MessageID, PaymentDescription, PaymentMethod, Quantity, ResponseBackURL, TransactionID, Version Note: The parameters are ordered alphabetically in the secure hash. | |
The input to the Secure Hash generation routine | |
Y2ExNzE2NDBlZjEyNmZhZjRmMmRmY2Iy1000400EnSTSPayOneM1Sample+Payment+Descri | |
Output | |
3e6a7361eecc30e0a9813f3ee90b845d8dcf4d69564ef2ec64fb809bc8591481 |
CardNumber, ExpiryDateYear, ExpiryDateMonth, SecurityCode and CardHolderName are not a part of the Secure Hash.
Response message
Input response parameter | Description |
Merchant Authentication Token | Y2ExNzE2NDBlZjEyNmZhZjRmMmRmY2Iy |
Response.MessageID | 1 |
Response.TransactionID | 12345678901234567890 |
Response.StatusCode | 00000 |
Response.StatusDescription | Payment processed successfully |
Response.GatewayStatusCode | 0000 |
Response.GatewayName | TestGateway |
Response.GatewayStatusDescription | Sample Gateway Description |
Response.Amount | 100 |
Response.ApprovalCode | 654321 |
Response.CardExpiryDate | 0416 |
Response.CardHolderName | Card Holder |
Response.CurrencyISOCode | 400 |
Response.CardNumber | 411111******1111 |
Response.MerchantID | STSPayOneM |
Response.RRN | 123456 |
Parameters Order | |
Response.Amount, Response.ApprovalCode, Response.CardExpiryDate, Note: The parameters are ordered alphabetically in the secure hash. | |
The input to the Secure Hash generation routine | |
Y2ExNzE2NDBlZjEyNmZhZjRmMmRmY2Iy1006543210122Card | |
Output | |
e801dccf0e59fa56517576d10e51a8b6bd5f56c3f14d67c0c446fc10c3a65031 |
Sample Code (Java)
//Step 1: Generate Secure Hash
String SECRET_KEY = "Y2FkMTdlOWZiMzJjMzY4ZGFkMzhkMWIz"; // Use Yours, Please Store Your
Secret Key in safe Place (e.g. database)
// put the parameters in a TreeMap to have the parameters to have them sorted
Map <String,String> parameters = new TreeMap<String,String> ();
String transactionId = String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis());
// fill required parameters
parameters.put("TransactionID", transactionId);
parameters.put("MerchantID", "ANBRedirectM");
parameters.put("Amount", "2000");
parameters.put("CurrencyISOCode", "840");
parameters.put("MessageID", "1");
parameters.put("Quantity", "1");
parameters.put("Channel", "0");
parameters.put("PaymentMethod", "1");
//for Card Payment (conditional;paymentMethod=1)
parameters.put("CardNumber", "4012001045873335");
parameters.put("ExpiryDateYear", "01");
parameters.put("ExpiryDateMonth", "19");
parameters.put("SecurityCode", "123");
parameters.put("CardHolderName", "1");
//for Sadad Payment (conditional; paymentMethod=2)
//parameters.put("SadadOlpId", "testSadad");
//fill some optional parameters
parameters.put("Language", "en");
parameters.put("ThemeID", "1000000001");
parameters.put("ResponseBackURL", "https://MerchantSite/RedirectPaymentResponsePage");// if
this URL is configured for the merchant it's not required
parameters.put("Version", "1.0");
//Create an ordered String of The Parameters Map with Secret Key
StringBuilder orderedString = new StringBuilder();
for (String treeMapKey : parameters.keySet()) {
System.out.println("orderdString: " + orderedString);
// Generate SecureHash with SHA256
// Using DigestUtils from appache.commons.codes.jar Library
String secureHash = new String(DigestUtils.sha256Hex(orderedString.toString()).getBytes());
Other Request Code (.Net /PHP)
Sample Code (.Net)
1. //Step 1: Generate Secure Hash
2. String SECRET_KEY = " Y2FkMTdlOWZiMzJjMzY4ZGFkMzhkMWIz";// Use Yours, Please Store
Your Secret Key in safe Place (eg.database)
3. // get All Request Parameters
4. System.Collections.ICollection parameterNames = this.Context.Items.Keys;
5. // store all response Parameters to generate Response Secure Hash
6. // and get Parameters to use it later in your Code
7. SortedDictionary<string, string> responseParameters = new SortedDictionary
<String, String>(StringComparer.Ordinal);
9. for(int i=0; i< parameterNames.Count; i++)
10. {
11. String
paramName = (String)parameterNames.GetEnumerator().Current;
12. String paramvalue = (String)this.Context.Items[paramName];
13. responseParameters.Add(paramName, paramvalue);
14. parameterNames.GetEnumerator().MoveNext();
15. }
16. // Now that we have the sorted dictionary, order it to generate
secure hash and compare it with the received one
17. StringBuilder responseOrderdString = new StringBuilder();
18. responseOrderdString.Append(SECRET_KEY);
19. foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> kv in
20. {
21. responseOrderdString.Append(kv.Value);
22. }
23. Console.WriteLine("Response Orderd String is:
" + responseOrderdString.ToString());
25. // Generate SecureHash with SHA256
26. SHA256 sha256;
27. byte[] bytes, hash;
28. string generatedsecureHash = string.Empty;
30. bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(responseOrderdString.ToString().ToStr
31. sha256 = SHA256Managed.Create();
32. hash = sha256.ComputeHash(bytes);
33. foreach (byte x in hash)
34. {
35. generatedsecureHash += String.Format("{0:x2}", x);
36. }
39. // get the received secure hash from result dictionary
40. String
receivedSecurehash = responseParameters["Response.SecureHash"];
41. if (receivedSecurehash != generatedsecureHash.ToString())
42. {
43. // IF they are not equal then the response shall not be accepted
44. Console.WriteLine("Received Secure Hash does not Equal generated
Secure hash");
45. }
46. else
47. {
48. // Complete the Action get other parameters from result
dictionary and do
49. // your processes
50. // Please refer to The Integration Manual to See The List of The
51. // Received Parameters
52. String status = responseParameters["Response.Status"];
53. Console.WriteLine("Status is: " + status);
54. }
Sample Code (PHP)
1. <?php
2. $SECRET_KEY = "Y2FkMTdlOWZiMzJjMzY4ZGFkMzhkMWIz"; // Use Yours, Please Store
Your Secret Key in safe Place(eg. database)
4. // get All Request Parameters
5. $parameterNames = isset($_REQUEST)?array_keys($_REQUEST):[];
7. // store all response Parameters to generate Response Secure Hash
8. // and get Parameters to use it later in your Code
9. $responseParameters = [];
10. foreach($parameterNames as $paramName){
11. $responseParameters[$paramName] = filter_input(INPUT_REQUEST,$paramName)
12. }
14. //order parameters by key using ksort
15. ksort($responseParameters);
16. $orderedString = $SECRET_KEY;
17. foreach($responseParameters as $k=>$param){
18. $orderedString .= $param;
19. }
21. echo "--- Ordered String ---".chr(10);
22. echo $orderedString.chr(10);
24. // Generate SecureHash with SHA256
25. $secureHash = hash('sha256', $orderedString, false);
27. // get the received secure hash from result map
28. $receivedSecureHash = filter_input(INPUT_REQUEST,'Response.SecureHash');
30. // Now that we have the map, order it to generate secure hash and compare it
with the received one
31. if($receivedSecureHash !== $secureHash){
32. // IF they are not equal then the response shall not be accepted
33. echo "Received Secure Hash does not Equal generated Secure hash";
34. }else{
35. // Complete the Action get other parameters from result map and do
36. // your processes
37. // Please refer to The Integration Manual to see the List of The
38. // Received Parameters
39. echo "Status is: ".filter_input(INPUT_REQUEST,'Response.Status');
40. }