Use the Create Invoice web service to generate an invoice using the SmartLink interface.
POST rest/InvoicesService/createInvoice
Service Specifications
Property and Information |
Input Parameters
Parameter | Description |
merchantID required | An alphanumeric value that represents the Merchant ID. The Payment Gateway operation team provides this value based on the merchant enrollment.
authenticationToken required | An alphanumeric value that represents the Authentication Token. The Payment Gateway operation team provides this value based on the merchant enrollment.
invoicesDetails required | Array of JSON Objects contains the details for each invoice. The details of each invoice is described in the below table.
InvoicesDetails Parameters
Parameter | Description |
invoiceID required | An alphanumeric value that represents the Invoice ID which must be unique per invoice.
amount required | A numeric value represents the ISO Formatted invoice amount with no decimal point. For example, 100 for 1.00 USD.
currency required | A numeric value represents the ISO formatted code of the currency and not the character value. For example, 840 for USD.
expiryperiod required | An alphanumeric value that represents the invoice expiry period and must end with the MI, H, D. MI for Minutes, H for Hours, D for Days. For example, 10D, 2H, 130MI. If the value consists of multiple formats, for example, one hour and thirty minutes, it must be converted and sent as 90MI.
paymentDescription required | An alphanumeric string containing a narrative Payment Description of the invoice, which uses the language specified in the language parameter. This value should be UTF-8 encoded.
customerID optional | An alphanumeric string containing a Customer ID that enables the customer to make the payment, save their cards, and use them in the future payment process.
language optional | An alphabetic value that represents the interface's language is displayed to the customer and used for the payment description parameter. SmartLink will use this value during the payment process to display the interface. Thus, supporting the selected language to the customer. For example, Supported values are En, Ar.
notifyMe optional | This is to provide the merchant with an email notification upon successful payment for the invoice. The email address that will receive the notification will be according to the provided parameter below notificationEmail. If notificationEmail parameter was empty, The notification will be sent to the email address configured in the merchant account.
notificationEmail optional | An alphabetic value that represents the email address on which the Notification Email needs to send.
generateQRCode optional | This is a flag to generate and provide back a QR Code in Base64 encoding format or NOT.
customerEmailAddress conditional | An alphabetic value that represents the Customer's Email Address. The customer will receive the Invoice id, Payment link, and other invoice details. Prerequisite: A proper delivery method of the merchant should be configured at SmartLink. To use this feature, the configuration needs to be enabled and validated.
customerMobileNumber conditional | A numeric value that represents the Customer's Mobile Number. The customer will receive the Invoice id, Payment link, and other invoice details. Prerequisite: A proper delivery method of the merchant should be configured at SmartLink. To use this feature, the configuration needs to be enabled and validated.
dynamicFields conditional | JSON Array represents the configured Dynamic Fields for the merchant on SmartLink. Each dynamic field is a JSON object inside the array.
generateToken optional | This flag to indicate whether to generate a Token for the enetred card details or NOT. If this parameter is not passed, then no token will be generated. This parameter is a part of the tokenization. For more information, see Tokenization. Possible values:
allowedPaymentMethods optional | This parameter is a string value that signifies a list of permitted payment methods available for this transaction. Possible Values:
Sample Request
Create Invoice service request must contain the details of the invoices you want to create.
It is in JSON format and contains the following details:
- merchantID
- authenticationToken
- invoicesDetails
- amount
- customerEmailAddress
- language
- expiryperiod
- paymentDescription
- notificationEmail
- notifyMe
- customerID
- InvoiceID
- currency
- generateQRCode
- CustomerMobileNumber
"paymentDescription":"Sample Payment",
Output Parameters
Parameter | Description |
merchantID required | Upon successful merchant enrollment, the SmartLink operation team provides the alphanumeric value that represents the Merchant ID.
authenticationToken required | Upon successful merchant enrollment, the SmartLink operation team provides the alphanumeric value that represents the Authentication Token.
invoicesDetails required | Array of JSON Objects contains the details for each invoice. The details of each invoice is described in the below table.
InvoicesDetails Parameters
Parameter | Description |
paymentLink required | The URL represents the generated Payment Link through which the customer will process their transactions.
invoiceID required | An alphanumeric value that represents the Invoice ID which must be unique per invoice. The value is the same as the Invoice ID sent in the request.
customerID required | An alphanumeric string containing a Customer ID that enables the customer to make the payment, save their cards, and use them in the future payment process.
customerEmailAddress required | An alphabetic value that represents the Customer's Email Address. The customer will receive the Invoice id, Payment link, and other invoice details. The value is the same as the customerEmailAddress sent in the request. Prerequisite: A proper delivery method of the merchant should be configured at SmartLink. To use this feature, the configuration needs to be enabled and validated.
customerMobileNumber required | An alphabetic value that represents the Customer's Mobile Number. The customer will receive the Invoice id, Payment link, and other invoice details. The value is the same as the customerMobileNumber sent in the request. Prerequisite: A proper delivery method of the merchant should be configured at SmartLink. To use this feature, the configuration needs to be enabled and validated.
expiryDateTime required | The date represents the computed expiry date and time based on the expiryperiod parameter sent by the merchant. The request format will be (dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss).
qrCode conditional | A Base64 encoding format represents the generated payment details through which the customer processes their transactions. After sending, “generateQRCode” request as ‘yes’, it will return.
QVR42u2WMa/DMAiE2fjLbLDxlxme5HI4qdTXLeexVqTgL1JDufO1sr7Wn/w Yy0JEy0vXSpQ0S2xMw1ei5FlolnhoKcojLMzQ+DGGdvMU66tRiX7O5SmDM LnXh25P2V5A/331jIUoLs/VkzWnGdwIA5W0TtcMGDY7k/70NtH9PRjWbjR xPDMvp1n1eZHxpE7/LGtoM9N+E2xEs0ANsGBxmpUI4iEQOnnPgGAJyZuZz 5GhWUyzuHuXSbPcIdavaI9fGlGsS3gHsfOeAcMKh9BgzC6UZldC7FkIz3aGt fKmIzzLttJZyAckD81CJ14Nkt9zIVkgItb8EBxh3XHNCN4+INg+e6HIMuPZaNR 78ZpjyLLff8LD7AXIvM0OOQZRDgAAAABJRU5ErkJggg== |
Sample Response
Create Invoice service returns the response in JSON format.
The returned response contains the following details:
- merchantID
- authenticationToken
- InvoicesDetails
- InvoiceID
- expiryDateTime
- qrCode
- customerEmailAddress
- customerID
- customerMobileNumber
- paymentLink
"expiryDateTime":"10-07-2021 11:29:20"
Sample Code
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.OutputStreamWriter;
import java.net.URL;
import java.net.URLConnection;
import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONObject;
// Prepare the invoices
String authenticationToken="N2FiZDRmYTQzNDUzOGM0YTI4N2I5YmZm";
String merchantId="testMerchant";
// Create Invoices Object and putting merhantID,authenticationToken in it
JSONObject invoicesObject= new JSONObject();
// Create Invoices JSON array
JSONArray invoices = new JSONArray();
// Creating the first invoice
JSONObject firstInvoice = new JSONObject();
firstInvoice.put("paymentDescription","Sample Payment");
// Creating dynamic fields array
JSONArray dynafields= new JSONArray();
// Crreating and Putting ItemId inside as a dynamic field in the array
JSONObject itemDynaObjcet = new JSONObject();
itemDynaObjcet.put("ItemID", "1");
// Putting the the dynamicFields array in the firstInvoice
firstInvoice.put("dynamicFields", dynafields);
// Putting the firstInvoice inside the invoices Array
// Now we have the Parameter Ready we need to send ther request
StringBuilder querySB= new StringBuilder("invoices=").append(invoicesObject.toString());
// This URL will be provided during the Integration
URL url = new URL("http://SMARTLINK_DOMAIN/URL2PayAdminWeb/rest/InvoicesService/createInvoice");
URLConnection conn = url.openConnection();
OutputStreamWriter writer = new OutputStreamWriter(conn.getOutputStream(), "UTF-8");
// Write parameters
// Get the response
StringBuffer output = new StringBuffer();
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(conn.getInputStream()));
String line;
while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
//Output the response